BlueFlame diamond cooker E9042ERF
Embrace cooking with the giantic cooker with 90x60cm inox – Black rustic
Four gas burners to enough cooking place option as these supplement the 2 electric plates.
Two electric plates to keep the cook going even when runs out of gas unexpectedly
Electric oven to provide simultaneous baking of all kinds of bakes as oven tends to more replicable compared to gas ovens
Digital timer to avail accurate time setting for various dishes thus avoiding over and under cooking which ensures a smart home
Rotisserie, rolling roasting mechanism to ensure perfect roast, this provides equal exposure of heat to all parts of the roast thus even cooking.
Turbo Fan to supply heat evenly to all parts of the oven thus even baking and providing a ready meal
Auto Ignition as lighting the burners doest need external fire ie match stick as this is destined a button away sparing the hustle of looking for a match stick
Glass top cover to add beauty to the kitchen and a smart look as this look entices cooking.
90CM by 60CM ie gigantic cooker as this is bigger and better than the usual 50 by 60 cookers, covers enough space and provides many more cooking place options
jet nozzles as this provides minimal use of gas, though with the same cooking agility to enable one save money.
- 90cm by 60cm
- Rustic cooker
- Automatic Ignition
- cast iron worktop support
- 90cm Electric oven with light
- 4 gas burners
- 2 Electric plates
- turbo fun
- analog timer
- modern classic design
- black in color
- stainless steel
- 2 year guarantee and 3 year warranty
- rotisserie(grill)
- jet nozzles