Seal is a Chinese word, pinyin is yin zhāng, also known as seal. It is used as a stationery printed on documents to represent identification or signature. Generally, seals will be stained with pigment first and then printed. There are metal, wood, stone, jade and so on.
What's the Postage on these postage stamps? What's the postage on these postage stamps? These are usually issued by sovereign countries. The square inch of the stamp space, often reflect a country or region's history, science and technology, economy, culture, local customs, natural features and other characteristics, which make stamps in addition to postal value and collection value. Stamps are also an important source of revenue for some countries or regions. The hobby of collecting stamps is called collecting stamps. The earliest stamp in the world is the black penny invented by Sir Roland Hill of Britain. The earliest stamp in China is the Dalong stamp of the Qing Dynasty.
The birth of stamps is due to the change of the object of postage collection: 1. Charge by weight 3.Pay postage first. Communication therefore entered the ordinary people's home. Stamps are a form of payment by the sender for the postal service.
The first prototypes of stamps appeared in the mid-17th century. In 1653, King Louis XIV of France gave Villayet the right to open a post office in the Paris region. Villayet set up a "small post office" in Paris, and also set up post office boxes in the streets to collect and deliver letters every day. Villayet sends out letters to users using a label called Prepaid Postage. The sender covers or affixes the prepaid certificate to the envelope, dates the letter and places it in the mailbox. When the post office receives the letter, it tears up the prepaid certificate and delivers it to the recipient. This paid postage label is the predecessor of postage stamps. This kind of label is torn off with use and does not survive.
Stamp design: refers to the face of a stamp, which is generally composed of the design, country name, denomination, caption and edge decoration related to the purpose of the stamp issue. Early stamp designs around the world were relatively simple. With the development of society, all countries in the world today put their own country in politics, economy, national defense, science and technology, culture and art, historical geography, natural scenery and precious animals, plants and other aspects of the most representative content as a stamp design. For example, the largest stamp in the world is the special stamp "China Express Stamp" issued by China in 1913. This stamp is 24.8 cm long and 7 cm wide. More than 300,000 stamps have been issued around the world, depicting everything. Stamp collectors can acquire encyclopedic knowledge by collecting and studying stamp patterns. Therefore, stamp pattern is the main object of stamp collectors.
The name of the country or region that appears on the face of a stamp. Generally, the name of the country is expressed in words and abbreviations. For example: the People's Post of China. The United States uses the acronym USA and the Soviet Union uses the acronym CCCP. Some countries use special symbols to represent, for example, the early stamps of England use the king's head as a symbol. Britain's current commemorative stamps feature the Queen's head instead of the country's name. To identify the name of the country on the stamp, you can understand the geography, history, language and other aspects of the knowledge of the country.
Stamp nameplate: stamp number, plate number, sheet number, color label, designer and printing factory name printed on the edge of the whole stamp paper, collectively called nameplate. Inscriptions are important information for studying stamps. Therefore, many stamp collectors like to collect stamps with inscriptions. Such as: China after April 29, 1981 issued J63 "The People's Republic of China stamp Exhibition. Japan" stamps, on the edge of the whole paper printed with chicken, goldfish, kite, temple of Heaven, butterflies and other patterns as well as stamp name, designer, printing house name, plate number, sheet number, color standard and so on. These inscriptions are regarded by philatelists as important philatelic information. Some philatelists say that this is the printing house to stamp collectors gift, is an important basis for the study of stamp layout and stamp printing.
Watermark on stamps: Stamps are proof of prepaid postage. In order to prevent forgery, a mark, called a watermark, is pressed into the paper in a special way during the papermaking process. Watermark is a colorless mark, mostly a simple pattern. On a whole stamp, there is only one watermark. The watermark pattern repeated in the whole stamp is called double watermark, the pattern of the watermark is various, such as the crown, the sun, the moon, the Taiji diagram and so on. A British penny black stamp issued on May 6, 1840, featured a watermark of the crown. The Small Dragon stamp issued by China Daqing Post in 1885 and the Velarose stamp issued in 1898 are watermarks with Taiji diagram as the pattern. The watermark on the stamp is easy to recognize and can be found by looking closely at the back of the stamp under sunlight or light. For less obvious watermarks, spray a little gasoline on the back of the stamp and the watermark will appear immediately. Gasoline volatilizes quickly, and has no damage to stamps and gum. Experienced philatelists generally use this method to identify the watermark on stamps. Watermarking is an important basis for studying and authenticating the authenticity of stamps, as well as the edition and issuing date.