What’s in the box
1 x moon-shaped tarot cardholders, and 1 x rectangle tarot card stands. And 2pcs tarot cardholders that can meet your divination tools use and replacement needs.,Feature:,1. The rectangle card stand can hold 1-3 cards, suitable for most tarot cards.,2. The card stand is made of wood, which is durable, coming with a smooth surface that is carved with clear and pretty patterns.,3. The card stand fits well for witchcraft beginners, you can decorate your altar scene while you travel.,4. The tarot card wooden holders are engraved with patterns, which are full of mysterious and delicate feelings, and can meet your witchcraft decor needs.,5. Lightweight and portable, suitable for use in any space, and is an exquisite way to display your daily or weekly cards.,Specifications:,Types: H45481-1; H45481-2; H45481-3; H45481-4; H45481-5; H45481-6; H45481-7; H45481-8 (Optional),Color: Light Brown,Material: Plywood,Style: Divination,Moon Size:12.5x10.5x0.5cm/ 4.92x4.13x0.19inch,Rectangular plate size:25x7.5x0.5cm / 9.84x2.95x0.19inch,Package Size: 25.5x11x1cm / 10.03x4.33x0.39inch,Package Weight: 62g / 0.13lb,Package List:,1 x 2PCS Tarot Card Stand (No tarot cards),