Distinctive embossed glass mugs for you or others can enjoy your favourite hot drinks. Unique mugs crafted from durable & transparent thick glass in a round structure with a crystal cut look checked/diamond embossed surface design and handle to give the perfect solution for serving various number of hot drinks such as tea, coffee, latte, cappuccino, hot chocolate, frappe, espresso or even iced/fruit tea!
These plain glass mugs come as a set of 6. PLAIN CUT LOOK MUGS - Classic mugs moulded from transparent glass with a distinctive crystal cut look pattern for users to effortlessly grab a smooth sip of hot drinks. Transparent polished glass with a checked/diamond embossed surface design to give crystal cut look and catch any form of light to make hot drinks visually appealing! Due to it's wide drinking rim, each mug has space to add additional ingredients according to the hot drink i.e. lemon slices, mint & more.
EFFORTLESSLY DRINK – These glass mugs are designed so for yourself or guests, these mugs are always comfortable to use. Each mugs has a distinctive spacious handle, hence with a comfortable and firm grip the mugs can be held. The mugs have a thick 1cm glass base, which will give a weighty feel to the base to provide stability when placed down or being carried on a serving tray; reducing chances of spillages.
DURABLE GLASS MUGS - For long term durability these glass mugs are from strong & sturdy transparent glass. A smooth polished finish ensure they remain in a crisp clear condition after repeated uses and resistant from common damage i.e. chips, scratches and cracks. A glossy & lightweight transparent structure to serve equal drinks & enjoy!