Why need Change motor?1. Ar locking car by e control, the door won't loproperly, because the motor has gone bad, it has stopped working.2. when the car door losometimes work , sometimes get stuck, or e control can sometimes open, sometimes fixed card in the Middle,then pre the e control several times to open; ageing motor, motor torque has become smaller, motor power is not lopieces of gear.3. when driving in the car, ar the door lock, door locks has problem that door can be opened.Profeional ace:1. door loAembly easy to repair it? Locked inside the motor can change?Locking bloAembies are fixed by screws, so they can be easily opened using a screwdriver, rep the motor is also very convenient, put it batogether again is also easy.2. rep motor or directly changed the locks bloAembly which is better?4S shop for locking bloAembly parts to more than $150, and a motor le tahn $15, a difference of more than 10 times. Known, locked inside metaland plastic parts ' life-or at least more than 20 years, so ar changing the motor, you get a set of locking bloAembly,renewed motor like changing batteries, because the carbon brushes of the motor service life has exed. Symptoms,when the car door can sometimes lock, sometimes won't lock, sometimes open and sometimes will notopen, motor age,motor carbon brush wear is too large, motor torque has become smaller, motor power is still locked inside the spring. Ar theemotpe-controlled loandthen unlock, problematic loblocks, can't open the door from the outside, it can be opened from the inside,left key can open the front door. And in the case of not locking the car, can play both inside and outside the door, again ar locking the car, still same problem, which can open the door, but couldn't open the door
(pls note that the number over the motor maybe changed but motor is the same)