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Bike Phone Holder Bicycle Mobile Cellphone Holder Easy Open Motorcycle Support Mount For Hone Samsung Xiaomi Stand

UGX 93,510
UGX 161,22442%

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Shping and Pack All it will be double checked and well packed before sending.It will be dispatched within 2 business days after buyers pay for the order. It usually takes about 14 to 18 working days for delivering the package to the destination(for e areas,it may take a little longer). 

Special Announcement:
Please fill in the correct and detailed consignee, address and phone number in the order. For fast and correct delivery.If you do not receive order within 30 working days,please feel free to contact Customer Service before leaving Negative and Neutral Feedback, we will do our best to help you resoe the problem.TaxNo, you will only pay what is quoted as total cost at checkout, no more. You are not expected to pay any additional duties or taxes. If you are asked by Customs or our logistic partner to pay duties, please contact our Customer Service .

Your 100% satisfaction is very ant to us
If the product is not on good condition, You can return this product within 14 working days, please contact customer service center before returning.FeedbackYour satisfaction is our first priorityIf you receive the order and it is in good condition,we would be grateful if you would leave us 5 star Positive Feedback for the transaction.


Key Features

  • Origin:CN(Origin)
  • Features:No Features
  • Charger:No
  • Type:Bicycle Holder
  • Compatible Brand:Universal
  • Has Speaker:No

What’s in the box

1X Bike Phone Holder Bicycle Mobile Cellphone Holder Easy Open Motorcycle Support Mount for hone Samsung Xiaomi Stand


  • Model: CCHAshoujizhijia7287
  • Production Country: China
  • Size (L x W x H cm): 10*10*10
  • Weight (kg): 0.2
  • Color: Red for Bicycle

Customer Feedback

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Bike Phone Holder Bicycle Mobile Cellphone Holder Easy Open Motorcycle Support Mount For Hone Samsung Xiaomi Stand

Bike Phone Holder Bicycle Mobile Cellphone Holder Easy Open Motorcycle Support Mount For Hone Samsung Xiaomi Stand

UGX 93,510
UGX 161,22442%
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