Straight, ensuring quality. Our factory has been in the eyewear case industry for over five years, constantly striving for high-quality products and never slackening. Our store is also a carefully selected strong partner. Our store will periodically update new products. Interested customers are advised to follow our store for easy ordering of new products, in order to stay ahead of the market and develop customers.
This is a regular size glasses bag 18cm * 9cm, which can accommodate most sunglasses and nearsighted glasses, and can also be used as a storage bag. Simple and portable.
500 or more eyeglass bags can be customized according to customer requirements (with additional printing fees), requiring high-definition pictures and sizes provided by the customer. And the location of the print. Special statement: The product is non returnable and non exchangeable.
This product is shipped in mixed packaging, but due to too many patterns and colors, we do not choose colors. There are other colors that are not included in the picture, and the shipping color will be randomly selected to ensure quality. Due to fabric reasons, the leather mirror bag may have a slight smell of leather itself, which is normal. Please do not return or leave negative reviews because of this. If you are sensitive to the taste of leather and mind the issue of taste, please take photos of other non leather fabrics in the store. Thank you.
Shipping defaults to Shentong and Youshu, with over 4000 units shipped via Zhongtong Express. If you need to send other items, please contact customer service to discuss the shipping cost issue. Don't just leave a note to avoid delaying the delivery time.
After the goods are shipped, they are not under the control of the seller and generally require 3-7 days for transportation. Please reserve your time and wait patiently for receipt.
Due to various factors such as shooting or display, there may be a slight color difference between the image and the actual object, which is normal. However, all the pictures are from our store and have not been beautified, striving for authenticity.
Note:; Invoicing incurs additional tax points. For more details, please consult customer service.