Our factory specializes in the production of fashionable women's bags, with BSCI certification. We can cooperate with trading companies, various mid to high end women's bags, undertake brand OEM, and accept various types of bags from overseas, various platforms, and physical stores. Sure, we welcome new and old customers to come to our factory to choose and make samples for the incoming sample version
Our factory has a first-class development team and product quality control technology, with integrity and trustworthiness as the foundation, fashion trends as the main body, and the concept of hard work and hard work, to provide high-quality service for our customers. If you need it, please contact us for customer service.
According to customer standards, we welcome inquiries and orders from domestic and foreign customers. The styles are divided into: handbags, crossbody bags, shoulder bags, backpacks, waist bags, etc. The categories are: fashionable leisure bags, tote bags, sports bags, mommy bags, evening bags, etc. The materials are: genuine leather, PU, canvas, denim, hand woven, etc. Please contact customer service to start customizing the baby you need.
Customers with strong capabilities, please contact customer service directly (see workshop pictures)
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