1.HD 0.96 olor s reen, dynami display UI interfa e, intelligent family intera tion.
2.Multi mode (swimming, ski ing, table tennis, tennis, et .)
3.Heart rate monitoring, blood pressure monitoring, sleep monitoring, sti ker hand feel no wear.
4.Wearing this smartwat h in any time. through the A ontrol, display, re ord the data. the data will syn to the a and loud servi e.
5.This smartwat h an monitor our body health value. this an find and dete t our health data, display risk status and evaluation results
Des riptions:
Sport step ounter, alorie onsumption, movement distan e, in oming all reminder, information alert, information push, alarm lo k, look for bra elet, remote amera, long time Sitting reminder, sleep monitoring.
Spe ifi ations:
Dimension: 120*80*30mm
Display: 0.96 in h olor s reen
A Name: Yoho Sports
Devi e Requirements: Android 5.0 & iOS8.0 or above with Bluetooth 4.0
Battery apa ity: 80mah
Battery Type: Polymer Battery
harging interfa e: USB ( s rew off the strap to harge)
A su ort: hinese, English, Spanish, Fren h, Portu e, Dut h, German, Russian
Informaion push su ort: hinese, English, Spanish, German, Fren h, Portu e.
Pa kage In luded:
1 x Smart Bra elet
1 x User Manual
1. Due to the differen e between different , the pi ture may not refle t the a tual olor of the item. We guarantee the style is the same in the pi tures.
2. Due to different personal measuring te hniques, there might be 1-3 m error of the physi al. Thank you!