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iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock

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Product details

iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock
1. Suitable for 2204, 2205, 2206 motor with 5mm bearing, and effectively fasten the propeller
2. The 4.5mm height nut is low profile type which is suitable for most of the motors
3. Lock Nuts ensure a secure hold; reduce slippage
4. Drive system is a hexagon-shaped head, self-locking, nylon insert
5. Coarse threads are better for brittle materials and will assemble and disassemble more quickly than fine threads
6. Material: aluminum alloy
7. Size: M5x6mm (height)
CW nut means turn the nut clockwise to lock it
CCW nut means turn the nut counter-clockwise to lock it







Key Features

  • iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock
  • iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock
  • iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock
  • iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock
  • iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock


  • SKU: GE779EA3A1069NAFAMZ
  • Weight (kg): 0.10

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iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock

iFlight M5 CW Aluminum Motor Screw Nuts Insert Self Lock

UGX 273,305
UGX 390,43630%
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