K03 turbineActuatorPart/OEM number:06A145713DV / 06A145704T / 06A145713F, 5303-988-0052 / 06A145713D / 06A145713DX, 5303-970-0052 53039700052 5303 970 0052, 53039880052 5303 988 0052, K03-0052 K03-052 K03-52, 06A145704 / 06A145703G / 06A145703A, 06A145704L / 06A145704LX / 06A145704, 5303-970-0011 / 5303-988-0044/ 5303-970-0044, 53039700011 / 53039880044 / 53039700044, 5303 970 0011 / 5303 988 0044 / 5303 970 0044, 5303-988-0011 53039880011 5303 988 0011, K03-0011 K03-11 K03-11, 06A145704BV / 06A145703Q / 06A145704A, 53039700026 / 06A145704B / 06A145704BX, 53039700035 / 53039700035 / 53039700026, 5303-988-0035 / 5303-970-0026 / 5303-988-0026, 5303 988 0035 / 5303 970 0026 / 5303 988 0026, 5303 970 0035 5303-970-0035, K03-0026 K03-026 K03-26 K03-0035 K03-035 K03-35, 5303 988 0045 / 5303 970 0045 / 06A145704K, 53039880045 / 53039700045, 5303-988-0045 / 5303-970-0045, K03-0045 K03-045 K03-45 K03-0044 K03-044 K03-44, K03-0052 K03-052 K03-52 K03-0053 K03-053 K03-53, K03-0058 K03-058 K03-58 K03-0082 K03-082 K03-82 Turbocharger TurbineActuatorFit for:Turbo Actuatorfor Audi A3 1.8T 8L 132Kw 180HP APP AUQ 2000-2003Turbo Actuatorfor Audi TT 1.8T 8N 132Kw 180HP AJQ AUQ ARY APP AWP 1998-2006Turbo Actuatorfor Audi TT 1.8T 8N 120Kw 163HP BVP 2005-2006Turbo Actuatorfor Audi TT 1.8T 8N 140Kw 190HP AUM AUQ ARY 2005-2006Turbo Actuatorfor Seat lbiza III 1.8T Curpra 132Kw 180HP BKV BJX BBU BLZ 2004-2007Turbo Actuatorfor Seat Leon 1.8T 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 1999-2005Turbo Actuatorfor Seat Toledo II 1.8T 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 2003-2004Turbo Actuatorfor Skoda Octavia I 1.8T RS 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 2000-Turbo Actuatorfor VW Beetle 1.8T 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 2000-2004Turbo Actuatorfor VW Bora 1.8T 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 2002-2005Turbo Actuatorfor VW Golf IV 1.8T 132Kw 180HP JAE AWP AUM AWU AWV BKF BNU 2000-Turbo Actuatorfor VW Polo IV 1.8 GTI Cup Edition 132Kw 180HO BBU 2006-2010
Where is the part number?
The number is usually found on the compreor housing on a small rectangular part of the housing which is hined flat or on a metal tag attached to the housing. Alternatively,please contact us with your registion number and we will help you identify the correct models.