[Intimate Reminder]
1.All options are available. Shipped from mainland China, it will be shipped out within 48 hours of placing the order.Slightly delayed on holidays and holidays. If you mind, please be careful when taking photos carefully.The parcel can only be delivered to you across the ocean. The long journey will inevitably send bumps. If the product is crushed, please contact us and we will deal with it in time; if the quality of the product is okay but the outer box of the product occasionally dents due to collision. In this case, bad reviews are not accepted, perfectionists please be careful, and small businesses please leave emotional favors!
2.Since the system cannot change the order attributes, please confirm that the size and style are correct before placing the order.Because of the color difference of each computer screen, the color of the product is mainly in kind, and it is inevitable that there will be a little gap between the actual product and the picture. Perfectionists who require 100% do not place an order >