Why raffia makes lovely lampshades
Raffia is durable and hard-wearing, but it’s also a very pliable material and it dyes extremely well - making it a great material for weaving into beautiful and unique lampshades and sconces. The raffia lets a little light peek out through the strands and also bathes the wall with a lovely, gentle wash of light.
How raffia is made
Raffia fibre is used around the world to make a wide variety of different products, and is particularly popular in the construction and textile industries. Raffia comes from the raphia palm tree, which is native to tropical areas of Africa, and especially Madagascar. The raphia palm is known for having huge, feather-like leaves or fronds - a raphia leaf can grow to an impressive 20 metres in length! Raffia fibre is produced by harvesting the fibrous layer underneath the fronds. First the material is stripped from the leaflets, to produce a long, thin pale green strand. Once harvested, the fibres are then left to dry in the sun, during which time the colour changes to its characteristic natural yellow-beige. After drying, the fibres are taken to a warehouse and sorted according to their length, width, colour tone and texture and put into hanks, balls or spools. The fibres can then be used for a range of different purposes, with some being dyed and woven into textiles.
Want a touch of natural elegance in your home? With our Rafia handmade lampshade you got it.