We are happy to have you visiting our platform. Mera is an online vendor selling majorly fashionable items to make you look good and also protect you. We are committed to provide legible items for sales , good items , well tested items or better goods.In the understanding of the increasing prices in Nigeria and inflation in the world still do not affect how we reach out to others in getting our goods at good price.We major in fashionable caps, polo, female clothes and biker shorts. It is a honour to have you. We pray you find something for your self.This cap is made of acrylic and some mixed with cotton and polyester, for baseball, sports, fashion and to protect yourself against the sun rays that may be coming directly to your eyes or heating up your head. This cap, comes with a free led watch. It might be of the same colour or different. You pay for cap, you will be given a free led watch for sports or you can use it and give another as a gift. The watch is a led watch for children. The watch is made for those who wish to give their kids watches that they can use in their examination to check time that won't lead to examination malpractice.Thanks buying from us, don't forget to come again.Let love lead