Highest Quality Stovetop Espresso: You can easily make a moka coffee, also called a low pressure stovetop espresso at home with the Milano Moka Stovetop Espresso maker. Add milk from a milk steamer or milk frother to make lattes or cappuccino at home with ease. With premium silicone moka pot gasket. Uses standard bialetti 3 cup gasket size. This stovetop espresso maker to serve you savoring the most out of your favorite coffee, now you can really put overpriced coffee shops behind!
1.Add Water Unscrew the 3 parts of espresso pot. Including the upper pot, the funnel and the base. Fill the lower chamber with cold water just below the safety valve 2.Add Coffee Insert the funnel and fill it with ground espresso. Remove any coffee grounds on the edge of the funnel. Tightly screw the upper part of the pot on to the base. Avoid using handle for leverage. (Medium or fine recommended, like illy moka, lavazza espresso, no need to tamp or press, make sure no leftover on the edge to avoid coffee taste bitter) 3.Add Heat Select burner size to fit bottom of pot. For gas stovetop, make sure the flame is not larger than bottom of pot. The flame should not come around the sides of the pot. Heat until the water boils and coffee begins to come out of the center post. There will be a gurgling sound during this process 4.Enjoy When the top of the pot is full of coffee, remove from stove. Before pouring coffee, stir it in the upper chamber with a small spoon to equalize all the different coffee layers for optimum flavor 5.Cleaning Clean regularly after each use Do not resemble until all parts are completely dry Don't use is the dishwasher Don't use abrasive products to clean