1. The products we display on Alibaba's Chinese website are all for sale, and can generally be shipped before 5:00 pm on the same day. Large quantities or the longest shipping time will not exceed one week.
2. Directly provide after-sales service. If there are quality issues, you can return or exchange the goods. If you have any problems with the received goods, please contact us in a timely manner. We will take the time to give you a satisfactory answer.
3. OEM branding, full package design and production, just stick your label on it; ODM development and design, based on ID style drawings, for brand new products.
We sincerely welcome major traders, merchants, gift merchants, distributors, friends from overseas and international and domestic circles to call and inquire,
[Product Name]: Xiangsong electroplated leather
【 Applicable models 】: iPhone series
[Product Material]: Imitation Leather
[Delivery Method]: Mixed Batch, Current Batch
【 Shipping 】: Zhongtong Yunda Youshu
【 Delivery Time 】: Orders sent before 6pm on the same day will be sent on the same day as much as possible
[Default Packaging]: OPP bagged/If you need other high-end packaging, please contact
[Image required]: Please contact customer service