Model Number : WIFI Temperature And Humidity SensorBrand Name : haozee : Mainland ChinaSmart home platform : TuyaCertification : CEInput voltage : DC4.5V LR03*3Quiescent current : 30uALow power undervoltage : 2.7VWiFi : 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHzWorking temperature : -10℃~55℃Working humidity : 10%~90%RHSize : 60*63*25mmAPP : Smart Life Or tuyasmartTemperature humidity report time : 1-120minutes
Note before order:The value between LCD and APP may not as same.Can choose the temperature and humidity report time from 1minutes to 120minutes.The more frequent you choose.the fast the battery will drain..The battery will drain in 2 days if we choose temperature or humidity report time to be 1minutes.can last about 3-4months if we choose 120minutes to update.2.The temperature sensitivity value is 0.6°C,When the temperature value changes more than ±0.6℃,then the temperature and humidity can identify and synchronize data.3.The humidity sensitivity value is 6%. When the humidity value changes more than ±6%, the temperature and humidity can identify and synchronize data.Wi-Fi Temperature & Humidity Sensor1. Remote ControlYou can remotely view temperature humidity via smart phone using the app,tuyasmart or smart life.2.Choose the time interval to update temperature or humidity.You can choose 1 min or 120min to update the temperature humidity via the app.the more frequent the update,the faster the battery will drain.3. Temperature Unit Selection in APPYou can choose ℃ or ℉ as the temperature unitthrough app.4. Third-party Voice ControlWorks with amazon alexa, google assistant.5.Battery Life Use AAA' 3pcs,battery are not included.The battery life depends on the time interval as you choose,usually,it can last for several months if we choose 120min to update6.Time/DateShow time and date after connected with internet.7.Muiltple connectionUser can use the app to add our device in smart life app in 3 ways.Bluetooth or wifi or hotspotNote:User can choose the temperature or humidity report time.such as 1min or 120min.the more frequent the update, the faster the battery will drain.Product ize: 60*63*25mmInput voltage: DC4.5V LR03*3Quiescent current: ≤30uALow power undervoltage: ≤2.7VWiFi: 802.11b/g/n 2.4GHzWorking temperature: -10℃~55℃Working humidity: 10%~90%RHTemperature is accurate to ±1℃, and humidity is ±5%RHAPP Remote ControlRemote monitor the wifi temperature & humidity by mobile phone app from anywhere,anytime.After connecting Amazon Alexa and Google home, you can know the current temperature and humidity by voice.Before using Echo to control the temperature humidity sensor,make sure you download tuyasmart app and Link Tuya Smart account to Alexa