Peeler Grater for vegetables slicer mandoline carrot korean cabbage Food proceor manual fruit tools Chopper vegetableThis Peeler Grater for vegetables Vegetables slicer mandoline slicer carrot grater grater for korean Grater for cabbage Food proceor Was developed by many designers manual vegetable vegetable fruit tools Chopper for vegetable Vegetable chopper Shredder gadget kitchen acceories It is a good helper for the kitchen, it can solve a lot of troubles in the kitchen incident for you, making it convenient and easier for you to cook food ABS material + 304 stainle steel The product is made of brand-new A B S material and 304 stainle steel harmoniously combined, durable and unique.Packing: One grater frame + three s (not equipped with hand guard)

Di functions, all in one, make your dishes rich and colorful, and make your life better,

Anti-slip design Concave-convex design at the handle to increase abrasion and prevent slippage and injury

Grate and cut vegetables, a good helper 304 stainle steel, sharp , convenient and multiple styles, multi-function and multi-function Thin flat wire Thiflat wire Shaving Cut strip

Front side Baside Type of grating

Convenient to exchange Groove design, exchange for grater s is more convenient and safer

Convenient to exchange Groove design, exchange for grater s is more convenient and safer