led light belt refers to the LED assembly in the ribbon FPC (flexible circuit board) or PCB hard board, because its product shape like a belt, so named. Because of the long service life (generally normal life in 8~ 100 thousand hours), but also very energy saving and green environmental protection and gradually in a variety of decoration industry. Lamp belt, is short for LED lamp belt, most people are not used to the noun is too long, so the front LED to omit, directly called lamp belt. The name of the lamp belt also includes many old lamp belts that are directly connected to LED with wire rather than FPC or PCB. Of course, it also includes flexible lamp belt and hard lamp belt.
LED Strip. This is the English name of the LED light belt. The term "Strip" in Yahoo translation is "Strip" and "small strip" in Google translation, but the term "LED Strip" in foreign customers' mouth is LED strip
Flex LED Strip. This is the English name of the flexible LED light belt. Flex is "flexible" in Google Translate, but "conductive wire" in Yahoo Translate. But the Flex LED Strip that foreign customers say is the flexible LED strip that we say at home.
LED Light Bar. This is the English term for LED light strip. The Yahoo translation of Light Bar means "light strip", but in Google translation it means "light bar". LED light belt is generally divided into two kinds: flexible LED light belt and LED hard light strip, but it also generally includes the old LED light belt connected to the circuit board with wire, such as flat three wire 4.3W/ m, flat four wire 6.48W/ m, flat five wire 8.64W/ m light belt.
1. Flexible LED lamp belt is assembled with FPC for circuit board and patch LED for assembly, so that the thickness of the product is only 0.1CM thick and does not take up space; The common specifications are 18 LED, 24 LED and 15 LED, 24 LED, 30 LED and 50cm long. There are 60cm, 80cm, etc., different users have different specifications. And can be cut at will, can also be extended at will and the luminescence is not affected. FPC is soft and can be bent, folded and wound arbitrarily. It can move and expand freely in three-dimensional space without breaking. It is suitable for irregular places and small Spaces, and because it can be bent and wound arbitrarily, it is suitable for any combination of patterns in advertising decoration.
2, LED hard light strip is assembled with PCB hard board, LED useful patch LED assembly, also useful plug-in LED assembly, depending on the need for different and different components. The advantages of hard light strip are relatively easy to fix, processing and installation are more convenient; The disadvantage is that it cannot be bent at will and is not suitable for irregular places. Hard light strip patch LED has 18 LED, 24 LED, 30 LED, 36 LED, 40 LED and many other specifications; There are 18 LED, 24 LED, 36 LED, 48 LED and other different specifications, there are front and side, side light is also called the Great Wall lamp.