IF you have any questions , please feel free to contact us via Trade Manager or Email.
The item price is not including any tax/duty.Buyers are responsible for any customs duties ipplicable for the details, please check it from your country`s policy.
Shipping Advantage
1.We support Fulfilllment by .And free shipping to China warehouse.
With Fulfilllment you can: track orders from different suppliers throughout China, verify orders at a central warehouse, and combine orders into one cost-reducing international shipment. It’s all one, saving you time, money and energy
Please select an appropriate transport plan for your shipment.
Shipping compay
Estimated Delivery Time
2-10 days
14-30 days or longer
Fulfillment by
3-8 days
6-17 days
8-23 days
Please contact us if you haven`t received the parcel in 30 days from the date you made payment. We will contact our shipping agent to check whether the parcel has been lost or signed by the others. We would surely give you a satisfying answer.
1.If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can exchange the item. The buyer is responsible for all further shipping fees.
2.The buyer must contact us within 7 days of delivery if they to exchange defective or incorrectly shipped items.
We would leave you a positive feedback, and we appreciate your positive feedback.
If you are not satisfied, you can contact us first, we will do our utmost efforts to resoe any problems. Feedbacks are seller`s life, please don`t leave negative feedback or neutral feedback before we respond you
Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation
Business time
08:00-12:00,13:30-17:30 (GMT-8),not include Sundays and holidays.
If you want to order this item more than 6lot/model, please feel free to contact us via Trade Manager or Email.