Dr.james Herbal Infusion Slimming Tea A Mild Laxative For Driving Out The Excessively Fat Together With The Excrement Indikation: * It is Mild Laxative.
Help Reduction Weight * Lower the need to eat food * Burn The Fat and Cholesterol * Fat Trapping and Reduce the Accumulation of Fat. Steuerung: Drink After Dinner Or Before Bedtime.
1St Method: Drop 1 Beutel Herbal Infusion in A Cup, Add Hot Boiled Water and Drink Immediately.
Hot Water Can Be Added For Few More Times Until The Medicine Is Verdünnt. 2Nd Method: Drop 1 Beutel Herbal Infusion in A Cup, Add Hot Boiled Water and Wait for ca. 20 Minuten, um die Richness Of Herbal Flavorher zu erreichen. Empfehlung: *
It Should Be Taken Continuously. * Exercise Should Be Taken Consistently * Have Meals as Usual, Do Not Refrain from Eating, and Avoid Carbohydrate and Fatty Food.
Achtung: * Kinder, Pregnant Women and Patients of all diseases are verboten from taking this herbal medicine. * Keine künstlichen Farben und Scents hinzugefügt