Landline Phones

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Buy Landline Phones in Uganda

With the way mobile phones have come to change the way we communicate with one another, one would think landline would no longer be relevant, but the truth is the phones are important to so many homes, businesses and organisations. These phones are usually used in offices and at the same time as some homes.


These phones are sometimes referred to as fixed lines and are usually wired that allows voice communication between one or two people in the case of making conference calls. Recently, most of these devices have been configured to carry out text or messaging functions which has made them more relevant now. Many of these gadgets are used in most government own parastatals, customer service units or emergency call units.


The phones are some times called the main line or home phone. These type of phones are phones that use an optical fibre telephone line or metal wire for its transmission in comparison to the mobile cellular line which uses radio waves for its transmission. In 2003, the CIA World Factbook revealed that there were 1.263 billion of fixed lines in the world. China led the list of countries that have more wireline than any other country in the world with about 350 million while the United States was behind them with 268 million users, the United Kingdom was third which had about 23.7 million home phones as at this period of the report.


The advantage of using wired telephones are so enormous that it is cost-effective, excellent sound quality, very reliable and energy saving. These type of phones let you speak through the speaker with its speakerphone function while on conference meeting with business partners. Fixed phones systems in fixed locations like homes. Though in this century, the usage has reduced greatly due to the improvement of mobile network technology and the outdated usage of old copper wire networking which has been replaced by more efficient broadband and fiber optic fixed-line connections that are spreading around the world. You can get any of these lines at an amazing price on offer.


Where to Buy Landline Online

Find a reliable and efficient fixed line for your homes or offices at affordable prices.