HomeElectronicsAccessories & SuppliesCamera AccessoriesScreen ProtectorsLens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
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Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K

UGX 16,507
UGX 23,58130%

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Product details

Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
1. Hard and durable tempered glass surface under special manufacturing process.
2. Scratching protect on the camera.
3. Static technology eliminates the bubble effect and enhance firmly on the camera LCD.
4. High transparency with 99.5% clarity.
5. Strengthens with color chrome on the camera.
6. Suitable for Insta 360 One R 4K action camera.
7. Note: The camera is not included.












Key Features

  • Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
  • Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
  • Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
  • Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K
  • Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K


  • Weight (kg): 0.03

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Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K

Lens + LCD Tempered Glass Film for Insta360 One R 4K

UGX 16,507
UGX 23,58130%
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