Shenke Mosquito Repellent Liquid has refreshing fragrances.
This vaporizer fits well with liquid vaporiser machine available on the market and most sockets.
Shenke is a highly effective mosquito repellent.
Developed after rigorous research and series of lab tests, It keeps the buzzing and biting of the mosquitoes away while being non toxic.
Shenke Mosquito Repellent Heater (Vapouriser) comes in a handy liquid vaporizer format that offers complete protection from Malaria causing mosquitoes.
Formulated with active ingredients, shenke vaporizer is a powerful and
convenient solution to offset mosquitoes and serve as the first line of defence against potential diseases and health hazards.
Shenke Mosquito Repellent Heater comes with the mosquito killer liquid , as the name suggests, is effective in killing mosquitoes immediately, typically within 5 minutes of plug in.
The refill bottle fits all generic devices. Moreover, Shenke Repellent Heater
device has a superior heating system that ensures low electricity consumption.
The dual mode machine with high and low intensity modes, makes sure you and your family stay protected always.
Liquid Vapouriser bottle shall lasts along time, with 8 hour daily night usage
The revolutionary innovation Citrosynthol (oil of lemon eucalyptus) based & Contains proprietary PINE derivative’s.
Effective against Dengue fever, Malaria Mosquitoes & fliesSpecially formulated keeping safety of your loved ones in mind.
It is a scientifically proven solution to keep the mosquitoes away.
Effective way of getting rid of mosquitoes.It is safe for home use. Keeps you and your loved ones free from mosquitoesIt is easy to use.
Should be used not more than 8 hours a night.