This is a set of 2" universal wheels, when you order this item we will also give you matching screws so you don't need to look for the right screws to hold them in place. Our wheels are silent wheels, they are virtually silent when you push them, you can mount the wheels on a wooden board so you can have a temporary trolley, and can also replace your broken luggage wheels!In order to be able to calculate the load capacity required for the various types of castors, it is necessary to know the deadweight of the transport equipment, the maximum load and the number of individual wheels and castors used. Calculate the load of a single caster to give a certain insurance factor, in the ground is relatively flat, a single caster load = (total weight of the equipment + the number of mounted casters) X 1.2 (insurance factor); if the ground is not flat, the algorithm is, a single caster load = total weight of the equipment +3, because regardless of which non-flat ground, there are always at least three wheels at the same time to support the equipment this algorithm is equivalent to increase the insurance factor, more This algorithm is equivalent to increase the insurance factor, more reliable, to prevent insufficient load-bearing, resulting in a significant reduction in the life of the casters or lead to accidents.